About Montsalvy Consulting
Founder and CEO
Born in 1969, he graduated from INALCO (Paris) and ESIT (Ecole Supérieure d’Interprétation et de Traduction). He studied for three years at the Beijing University (1990-93). From 2001 to 2010, he served as an advisor for China and Asia at the French Ministry of Defense (2001-2010) (renamed the “Ministry of Armed Forces” in 2017), then joined Scutum Security First (SSF) as Director for Asia to support large companies in their development in Asia. In 2014, Laurent Malvezin created the consulting firm Montsalvy Consulting to meet the growing demand of his clients and extended its strategic intelligence and operations support services to the benefit of SMEs/SMIs.

As of 2017, the needs of companies are changing significantly.
They want more advice on international, geopolitical and geo-economic strategies in a context of global market instability. Montsalvy is adapting to this demand and developing a new positioning and tailored offer that focuses on strategic and operational foresight. In 2022, the Sinopole project is the first project developed in-house, in partnership with the DCA Chine Analyse, directed by Jean-François Dufour.

The Sinopole project
The Sinopole project is dedicated to unfold every aspects of China’s so-called “Socialist Market Economy”, through innovative content and tool boxes, including :
A variety of Daily & Weekly Bulletins about China’s Strategies and policies
Our China Reform and Open Policy Podcast series
The China Monthly Risk Monitor
Our Extensive language Course : “from Chinese language to CCP dialectics” (Spring 2023)
Prerequisites for negotiation/cooperation Intensive Global Course (Summer 2023)
Who we are and what we do
Montsalvy Consulting is a geopolitical and strategic consulting firm. It is not a classical business consulting firm.
Thanks to its disruptive positioning Montsalvy stands as a new type of stakeholder for businesses, combining consulting, research and training activities.
Montsalvy is also working on the creation of an advocacy unit dedicated to advancing ideas to strengthen roles and capabilities for companies and the private sector as a whole in a volatile international environment.

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Publications & Events

The monthly Bulletin of Geopolitics participates in the public debate on major international and strategic issues
On the occasions of the “Café Géopolitique”: Montsalvy organizes breakfasts, meetings, downtown Paris, to address topics of current interest
The Sinopole project is an information and analysis platform dedicated to unfold Chinese domestic and international strategies
The Training Unit organises Masterclasses, and executive courses.
Briefs: we publish issues-based analysis, problem-solved briefings and policy papers to be transmitted to economic and institutional decision makers.